The witcher 3 abandoned tower
The witcher 3 abandoned tower

Rather than being reduced to a feral, mindless monster, she seems to be caught in a delusion of her happiest memories from the past, muttering in German to her lost husband and child who died decades ago. Her mental regression takes a different form, though. It's interesting to note that just as Zombie Lamplighter is in an extremely regressed and diminished state of mind, so too is Stormfront at the end of the second season. This provides a perfect opportunity to introduce the V-zombies plot point from the source text. It seems the showrunners may not be done with this character yet, and the full depths of Compound V's complexities and characteristics have yet to be explored.

the witcher 3 abandoned tower the witcher 3 abandoned tower the witcher 3 abandoned tower

The Boys has made a point of not confirming Stormfront's demise, despite the brutal physical beating she's taken. RELATED: The Boys Gives Its Supes a What If.? Inspired Make-Over Could The Boys' Stormfront Suffer the Same Fate as Lamplighter? Before Lamplighter deteriorated to the state Starlight and A-Train find him in, he had just enough cognitive function to be able to declare his retirement to the press, thus opening up a spot for Starlight to join The Seven. It's revealed that Vought implements the zombification procedure mainly for publicity purposes, occasionally trotting undead supes out in front of the media to reinforce the public perception of superheroes as being invulnerable. The once-proud supe is a monstrosity who shouldn't be alive - drooling, insensate, rolling in his own feces. Starlight and A-Train are horrified beyond words to find the resurrected Lamplighter chained to a wall and in an utterly degraded condition. In his words, what's lying in wait there is an illustration of the consequences of underestimating The Boys.

the witcher 3 abandoned tower

Homelander cruelly reveals this to Starlight and A-Train when he sends them to clean a hidden room in the basement of Vought Tower. In a horrific twist, it turns out that an emergency treatment of Compound V can keep mortally injured supes alive, but in a zombified, monstrous state. However, it isn't quite the end for the light-wielding supe. In the original The Boys comics, Mallory (who is gender-swapped in the Amazon series) takes revenge for the death of his grandchildren by putting a bullet in Lamplighter's head.

The witcher 3 abandoned tower