The folder that stores mods for the game is Mods can be installed manually from sources such as the Paradox Forums, installed automatically from Paradox Mods by the launcher or via the Steam Workshop.

Mods that are lacking in presentation may be removed to ensure that quality mods are not being drowned out by low effort submissions. Mods installed via the Steam Workshop will auto-update, so be careful about non-backward compatible changes as previous saves may become unplayable.Make sure that your mod contains a good description of what it does, as well as having a good front page image.

Modular mods that allow selecting modules at installation steps cannot be managed.The workshop has a few limitations, making it currently unsuitable for large mods: Manage button is always greyed out: activate Steam Cloud Synch' for Stellaris ( Steam -> Settings/(Preferences on mac) -> Cloud -> Enable cloud sync), it is required to upload mods.In order to update a mod, hit the "Fetch Info" button before uploading the mod. MyMod.zip will contain a generated descriptor.mod which is identical to mymod.mod. Mod file when downloaded from Workshop (mymod.mod):