Family Matters was intentionally designed to show both sides of the Baron, to highlight how tragic his story is.” “You hesitate when presented with a choice. That’s what makes a character real.” By making you feel torn between loving and loathing the Baron, Sasko says, he was able to give extra weight to your decision-making in the quest. “There are very few people in our lives, even if we love them, that we’ve never felt conflicted about. “That was one of my goals when I designed him,” Sasko says. You find yourself sympathising with him one moment, and cursing him the next. On the surface the Baron is charismatic, likeable, and quick to make a joke, but there’s a dark side to him that slowly unravels.

After breaking it with the Aard sign, he encounters Professor Vairmont Jonne trying to open the sarcophagus buried within.It’s clear they don’t entirely trust each other, and their relationship is uneasy, but these similarities mean Geralt connects with the Baron on a personal level-whether he likes to admit it or not. Along the brick tunnel just before the gated archway there’s a weak juncture Geralt can find with Witcher Sense. After climbing down and entering the sewer proper, Geralt can follow the path, turning left after reaching the second gate. Upon entering the door in the archway tower there, Geralt can follow the path to a room with ladders. It can be found either in the middle of The Bits or just past the Tretogor Gate signpost. The quest can be difficult to find, as it’s triggered in the Novigrad sewers, a location that there’s little reason to ever visit. Related: Witcher 3: How To Complete Redania's Most Wanted (Philippa Eilhart Quest) All the game’s quests get the same treatment - whether it’s Geralt’s struggle to find Ciri and defeat the Wild Hunt, or if it’s one of The Witcher 3’s weirdest side quests - like Tome Entombed. Their attention to detail and branching paths comprise some of the game’s most memorable moments. CD Projekt Red’s video game is praised for its superb narrative, immersive world, and well-written story.

The Witcher 3 is one of the best fantasy RPGs on the market, even over six years after its initial release.

A good Witcher knows to expect anything when they’re up against deadly monsters, but sometimes even Geralt can be surprised by a monster that’s so - well, relatable.

Meeting the latter in the depths of a long-forgotten ruin is what makes the often-missed Tome Entombed quest so unexpected and iconic. Geralt of Rivia goes up against many monsters in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt some vengeful, some mislabeled, and some that are just plain grumpy.