SURPRISE! This is Jack In The Box, an invisible machine-gun that will appear to the first target that approaches it, will make it flee and will shoot him AND ALL THE ENEMY TARGETS AROUND. It's more likely that your enemy will rage and waste his Flash to catch you. If you are confident, say your Taunt before Deceiving ( Why so serious?, *poof*).Dont use Deceive immediatly when you see danger.Always try to attack from behind to also proc Backstab.This lets you to break the Deceive even if you didn't attack. If you did an idiotic jump by accident or need it refreshed asap, press B to start going base and start the cooldown immediatly.Keep switching between forward jump and fake one to confuse, or you could become predictable. If this guide somehow helps you out, PLEASE VOTE IT and comment so I can keep improving! IMPORTANT: We creators rely on you readers to grow. Nowadays, Shaco has changed a lot, and the recent rework on season 9 brought an insane amount of changes that affect our mad jester. SO, What can yoy teach me, "so pro White Crow"?Īfter seeing many strange( BAD) Shaco usage, and as I started being epicly insulted and blamed for picking him on ranked, I thought it would be a good idea to create my first Guide Ever on Mobafire to explain why Shaco IS still viable in solo queue and why, plus an in-depth guide of HOW he should be played to be efficient. Also I have had the top 1 Shaco guide in Mobafire for 6 YEARS! Yep, I need a life.

In addition, I got featured on Riot's Summoner Showcase as a good Shaco Master and Teacher! Yay, thanks. The co-op section takes roughly 6 hours to complete.After playing thousands of games with him and testing many different builds/strategies, I consider myself a pretty experienced Diamond Shaco player, who's playing level is a little above the Shaco players average. They then pursue the pirates, landing in the Rook Islands archipelago. It centres around the four characters being scammed out of their money by Pirates whilst working to redeem themselves on a cruise ship.

The plot takes place six months before that of the single player campaign.

They have all led sinful lives and are working to redeem themselves. The four player-controllable characters are, from left to right: Far Cry 3 Co-Op is a co-operative mode in Far Cry 3 for 2 to 4 players.