It’s a very natural-looking style of motion that’s a far cry from the days of scenario-based animations. Bodies never seem to move or collide the same way twice. NaturalMotion’s physics-based “Euphoria” engine is put to excellent use with Backbreaker. However, as with any underdog, often times it takes perfect execution on all fronts to take down the champ. On paper, it’s an idea that just might work. Backbreaker finds itself hovering somewhere in between an all-out, over-the-top hit fest like Blitz: The League II and the balance of realism and playability that Madden has become. I’ll go on record and say that I’m a fan of Madden in that I buy the new version every year, but I don’t think it’s perfect by any means and I certainly think the series could use some healthy competition. ( More on Techland: Free Online Football Simulator QUICKHIT Grabs NFL License) EA Sports has the NFL license all locked up until 2012 so for any would-be competitor to attempt to compete with the Madden series, it needs to be radically different or radically better (preferably both) than Madden to stand a chance.

Console-based football games are in a tough position.